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Cities, crowding, and the coronavirus: Predicting contagion risk hotspots

This blog post is reposted from the World Bank's Sustainable Cities blog series.  POPGRID Data Collaborative members from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) Thomas Esch and Mattia Marconcini worked with Bank staff to develop a methodology related to Cities, crowding, and the coronavirus: Pre

New Map Viewer Shows Population Characteristics in Relation to Reported COVID-19 Cases

A new mapping tool shows the density of population in relationship to reported coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases at national and sub-national levels, and permits users to obtain custom estimates of the number of people by age and sex living in an area of interest, including areas not currently reporting large numbers of cases.

SDSN TReNDS Roundtable: Governing the Data Revolution

In this exclusive roundtable on "Governing the Data Revolution," a selection of TReNDS Expert Members debate many of the themes featured in the recent flagship report, Counting on the World to Act. These include traditional data methods vs. new data methods, policy and regulatory needs for data governance, the importance of placing the Chief Statistician at the center of the data ecosystem, and opportunities and challenges for governing the data revolution for sustainable development.